We’ve updated SquadCast once again based on feedback & ideas from the Podcast Community. Thank You & more to come!

ℹ️ More Resources in the Green Room

Hosts and Guests can now get more information and resources without ever leaving the Green Room. For example, clicking on “Headphones are Recommended” (or the info icon to the right) will open new menus that provided helpful information. They explain things like why we recommend headphones or why we do not recommend Bluetooth and how to change the selected headphones in your computer’s sound settings. Try them out to learn more by clicking on the Info icons next time you are in the Green Room, and please let us know what you think!

Self Support Menus in Green Room

🥤 Smoother Guest Experience

If a Guest had previously tried out or signed up for SquadCast & then joined your Session, later they could very well have been redirected to the Checkout page. We decided early on that Guests should never need an account, subscription, or payment to use SquadCast. You can understand why Guests would be confused to click your Invite Link expecting to join your Session for an engaging conversation and instead got redirected to a paywall. If your Guests ever experienced this, we apologize, it was not intentional. It will not be an issue moving forward, because we fixed it in this week’s update.

⏲️ Recording Timer “Flickering” Issue is Fixed

We built SquadCast for quality & reliability. One of the features that contribute to reliability is automatically stopping the Recording if/when someone disconnects to ensure that the file lengths are the same and that waveforms align. An issue arose where the Recording Timer would continue running even though Recording has stopped, causing some confusion. When the Host later hit Record, the Recording Timer would flicker back and forth between the original timer and the new timer, which is admittedly not great. Thankfully, this issue was purely cosmetic, and we fixed it in this week’s update. Thank you, Jeremy Ryan Slate, for being the first to bring this issue to our attention!

Recording Timer Flickering Issue is Fixed


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